It has been the longest time since I last did a book haul. To be truthful, I didn’t have the money to spend on one until the other week. I really wanted to get some spooky reads ready for October. But I’ve also bought all the books I’ve been desperate to read for months now. So without further ado, here are the books that I bought on Amazon…

Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Goodreads rating: 4.5/5

Genre: Coming of age/Mystery

Price: £5.99 [Paperback]

With more than 57,000 reviews on Amazon, how could I resist buying this one? I’m literally so excited to start reading it as I’ve wanted it since it first came out. Finally, the price was right so I decided it was time to invest in it.

The cover is absolutely beautiful – I’m cover obsessed at the moment. I’m honestly starting to think I may be the only person who hasn’t read this book yet. If you want to learn more about this book, take a look at the Goodreads summary HERE.

The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri

Goodreads Rating: 4.23/5

Genre: Fiction/War Fiction

Price: £4.50 [Paperback]

Any book with a theme of war draws my attention to it. After reading The Tattooist of Auschwitz, I just wanted to keep reading war fiction. Naturally, when I came across The Beekeeper of Aleppo, I knew I had to buy it.

When the words, “moving”, “powerful” and “compassionate” are used to describe a book, you know you’re in for a great read. I’ve got everything crossed that I end up loving this book because I’m so excited to read it. Find out more about the book on Goodreads HERE.

Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce

Goodreads rating: 3.95/5

Genre: Thriller/Psychological Thriller/Mystery Thriller

Price: £3.00 [Paperback]

This is the first psych thriller that is making it onto my October TBR List. I was after some spooky books for Booktober, and I figured this one would be perfect for it. Psych Thriller is my favourite genre and I’m Blood Orange lives up to the hype. Well, the hype some of my friends have given it.

Being a “toxic”, “disturbing”, and “compelling” novel suggests to me it has the perfect mix of darkness and intrigue every good psych thriller should have. If you want to find out more about the book, take a look on Goodreads HERE.

The Gift by Stephanie M. Matthews

Goodreads Rating: 4.32/5

Genre: Supernatural Horror/Thriller

Price: £3.18 [Kindle]

What better way to celebrate Booktober than by reading a horror? Look, even the cover of this book creeps me out. So, who even knows how I’ll hold up when I’m reading it?

This book was recommended to me by someone on Twitter, and I was like, “ok, how scary is it?” To which I got the response, “well put it this way, I could only read it during the day.” Well, looks like I’m going to scare myself silly reading this one! Find out more about this book over on Goodreads HERE.

So Lucky by Dawn O’Porter

Goodreads Rating: 4.06/5

Genre: Chick Lit

Price: 99p [Kindle]

I find it wise to break-up reading heavy, dark books by reading lighter ones afterward. Hence, buying So Lucky as I plan on reading it once I’ve finished The Gift. I’ve been really enjoying chick-lit and romance books lately, so I’m looking forward to reading this one.

A friend of mine has read this one and enjoyed it so I fancied trying it. I love that it’s described as, “fearless”, “frank”, and “for everyone who’s ever doubted themselves” as it seems as though it could be an uplifting read. If you’d like to find out more about this one, take a look on Goodreads HERE.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

Goodreads Rating: 3.88/5

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Price: £3.50 [Paperback]

What a shock that another Mystery/Thriller made it onto the book haul list! Yet again, a friend of mine read Lucy Foley’s other book, The Hunting Party, and I wanted to give her books a try.

The Switch by Beth O’Leary

Goodreads Rating: 4.13/5

Genre: Romance

Price: 99p [Kindle]

As soon as I saw that The Switch was coming out, I was so excited to get it. When it was first released, I found it a tad on the expensive side. Then I got a notification the other week to say it had been reduced on the kindle store to 99p – bargain!

I read The Flatshare earlier this year and loved it so I can’t wait to read this one. A little romance never hurt anybody! Want more info about this book? Take a looks at its Goodreads page HERE.

How To Disappear by Gillian McAllister

Goodreads Rating: 4.22/5

Genre: Thriller

Price: 99p [Kindle]

On my hunt for spooky books, I came across, How To Disappear, and at 99p couldn’t resist buying it! I won’t lie when I read, “you can run, you can hide” I did finish it with “but you can’t escape my love”. Escape by Enrique Iglesias played a big part in my childhood ok, please don’t judge me.

I’m looking forward to seeing what twist and turns this book takes. Hopefully, I’ll enjoy it as much as I’m hoping to! Take a look at its Goodreads page HERE.

If you want to see more of my posts, you can find them HERE.

8 thoughts on “September Book Haul!

  1. What a fun haul! I listened to The Switch and it was so fun. The Beekeeper was one of my favorite books last year! I’ve had Crawdads on my shelf for months now and still haven’t read it. 🤦‍♀️

    1. It was just as fun to buy all these books! 👀😂 I’m only 100 pages into The Beekeeper and have already nearly sobbed about 5 times. I’ve had mixed reviews of it from friends so I’m intrigued! It might be time to give it a go.

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Booktober To Be Read List!

Wed Sep 30 , 2020
Would it even be Booktober if I didn’t choose to read books that I hoped would scare the living daylights out of me? Most definitely […]