DISCLAIMER: Someone I used to know was sent to me for free in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to Random Things Tours for having me on the tour.


So much can change in half a lifetime…


At fifteen, George is the foster brother Leah never asked for. As the angry, troubled boy struggles to come to terms with his circumstances, Leah finds herself getting drawn closer to him.

Theo’s wealthy family have mysteriously pulled him out of boarding school and he’s now enrolled at the local state school with Leah and George. When their worlds collide that summer, the three teenagers form a bond they believe will be unbreakable. But life doesn’t always go to plan…


Shocking news brings Leah back to Yorkshire, baby daughter in tow. But Emilie’s father Theo isn’t with them, and George has unexpectedly returned. After half a lifetime, have they healed the scars of their pasts? Will coming back home set their hearts in a different direction?


Someone I used to know isn’t your average romance as it explores topics that make the narrative far richer and more heart-wrenching than you’re initially led to believe.

While the story is predominantly about the sparking of old flames between Leah and George, I adored the fact there was so much focus put on the overall plot. I’ve never been in the care system and have a very limited understanding of how it all works. But this book really opened my eyes to how the system works and how cruel it can be.

Leah’s parents were so selfless in their efforts to foster all the children they did and give them better lives. It was heart-warming to read about how they dealt with the children with love and warmth, rather than anger even when they were being difficult. The children all came from such terribly sad backgrounds and I just wanted to hug all of them. The tree ceremony was so sweet to me as the children knew they’d never be forgotten even when they moved on to different homes.

When Theo, George, and Leah became friends it was clear they had an easy camaraderie between them. I loved looking back on their days at school and seeing as their friendships developed. It wasn’t necessarily a love triangle, as it’s clear where each character’s affections lay. I enjoyed reading about all of their characters and seeing how they developed as the story went on. Their family backgrounds are so different, but it’s what enables them to form such strong bonds. They find solace in each other’s company.

This book is beautifully written and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I can only rate it 5/5 stars. It was easy to read even though it touched on some difficult and heartbreaking topics. I found it almost impossible to put down!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

2 thoughts on “BLOG BOOK TOUR: Someone I used to know by Paige Toon [Review]

  1. This sounds like a heartbreaking read but one that would be absolutely worth it. The cover is very lovely as well. I love the color!

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Fri Aug 20 , 2021
DISCLAIMER: this book was sent to me for free in exchange for an honest review. Thanks so much to TheWriteReads for having me on the […]