
Minnie Cooper feels her life has been jinxed since birth. She deliberately avoids events on New Year’s Eve, or her birthday on New Years Day, to ensure she won’t have something horrible happen to her or someone she loves. 

When Minnie Cooper meets Quinn Hamilton at a New Year’s Eve party, neither one can quite believe it.  Sharing the same birthday is one thing, but Minnie knows that Quinn “stole her name” and takes an instant dislike to him when she realises who he is. 

A year can change so much, and the more time Minnie and Quinn spend together, the more they love each other. But with Minnie’s fears and Quinn’s commitment issues, will the two be able to get and stay together? 


*slight spoiler alert*

This Time Next Year was a pleasure to read. It had all the elements of a good rom-com: humour, love, and friendship. Those themes combined with the character’s deeper issues sprinkle some realism into the story. The fact the character’s happened to have the same birthday brought an original touch to the book that I really enjoyed. It’s not that unusual to meet someone with the same birthday as you, after all!

The part I loved most was not only the development of Quinn and Minnie’s relationship, but their journey to finding themselves was just as heartwarming. They both had family issues that they needed to address before they could look deeper into themselves and find out who they were, and what they needed. There is a character that suffers from mental health issues, but I won’t say which one as it would spoil a pivotal moment in the book. 

It was beautiful to see all the character’s growing together. Their mum’s come together to form a friendship that heals both of them, which I thought was such a special time in this book. Leila, Minnie’s best friend, was an angel. Everything she did for Minnie showed her loyalty and love for her, and I was always rooting for Leila’s happiness. Do you know when a character deserves the world? Just give Leila the world, she deserves nothing less.

I’m so glad that there was no cliffhanger for this book as I couldn’t have waited for a sequel to find out what happened with the two of them. The pacing of this book was moderate, as in just right, as there was always something happening but it wasn’t to the point of being overwhelming. Some feel it was slow-paced, but it didn’t feel that way to me. It felt like it flowed nicely from one ‘issue’ to the next until they were resolved. 

During the holiday period, I went down the Christmas/Festive rom-com rabbit hole and got sucked into reading as many of them as I could get my hands on. I’m thrilled that This Time Next Year made it into the rabbit hole as it was worth every minute spent reading it. I really loved everything about this book which is why I’d give it 5/5 stars. Cousens has written a wonderful book that is both heart-wrenching and heartwarming. It fills you with joy and leaves you hoping for the best for all of the characters.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Thu Jan 28 , 2021
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