I’ve been wanting to get back into reading for the longest time now – University work has often prevented me from picking up a book and reading for hours on end. But alongside writing, reading has always been one of the most therapeutic activities for me. Sitting down and letting the world – and its many problems – disappear for a few hours is so important. From here on out, I’ve decided to create seasonal reading lists so I give myself time to read and I wanted to share what I’ll be reading with all of you.
Escobar: The Inside Story of Pablo Escobar, the World’s Most Powerful Criminal – Roberto Escobar

Murderer, philanthropist, drug-dealer, politician, devil, saint: many words have been used to describe Pablo Escobar, but one is irrefutable – legend.
I started reading this one not so long ago and it’s on the list because I’ve managed to find time to read more of it. I’m half way through Chapter 3 and it’s incredibly interesting to read about the infamous Pablo Escobar, from his brothers P.O.V. Now, it’s key to remember that his brother idolised him so you’ve got to keep that in the back of your mind whilst reading the book, it’s a little bias at times. Currently, a fantastic book, but there’s still a lot more of it to go!
Catch 22 – Joseph Heller

…Anything worth dying for, is certainly worth living for.
I was going through a phase where I wanted to read all the classics and this one kept coming up on must read book lists time and time again. I’m super intrigued by this one and surprisingly, know very little about it. Sometimes, I like going into a reading a book completely unaware of what it’s about because it leads me to enjoying it more. Crossing my fingers!
Louis Theroux: The Call of The Weird

Do we choose our beliefs or do our beliefs choose us?
If you know me, then you know I’m a huge fan of Louis Theroux’s work. So when I saw this book in hmv, I was like sure why not get a copy? That’s how I ended up with this book and Escobar’s on a 2 for £5 deal. This book is said to revisit those he interviewed in his first TV series, Weird Weekends (highly recommend to give those a watch as well). It should be an interesting read and I’ll update you all once I’ve read it.
Nineteen Eighty Four [1984] – George Orwell

Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.
I’ll be honest, I did start reading this one but then stopped. I don’t think I was bored of it, I just couldn’t find the time to sit and read it. This is another book that people rave about so I’m going to start reading it again. I’m looking forward to giving it another go and hopefully, don’t leave it to one side for months on end again!
Lost Boy – Christina Henry

“Peter will say I’m a villain, that I wronged him, that I never was his friend. Peter Lies.”
Oo that line really got me when I read the blurb. Another little fact about me, I love Peter Pan. Obviously, more so Disney’s version because that’s what I grew up with. I’m interested to see a different take on the story from a less fairytale perspective. And seriously, I adore the cover. I really hope I enjoy this book, it has a heck of a lot of promise.
Until next time,
Luce xo
Some good choices. 1984 is obviously a classic. Overall, I was a bit disappointed by Catch 22 but it had some interesting moments.
Thanks! Yeah I think what puts me off it a bit is the length of it but I’m going to give it a try haha